Schedule a consulting session (45mins)
Voice call with a screen displaying ppt and other related information. (available with google meeting/Tencent Meeting /line chat/WhatsApp/skype)
Your session will be activated once You have paid the amount in full.
Each Session is priced at 500 dollars and other equivalent currency. (45 minutes)
To maximize the value of your call, please prepare a short and precise brief of your current issues that require our help(less than 15mins).
In this call, our team will assist you with the following situations:
1. Solutions to your daily trading issues.
2. Advice on your current financial situation.
3. Advice on your current corporate situations.
4. Any Career related questions (buy side+ sell side)
5. Quantitative trading related (framework+code)
No refund policy think thoroughly before you reserve a call.
Select date and timeEvent time zone:Pacific/Midway GMT-11:00
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